
  • Unsupervised localization and segmentation are long-standing computer vision challenges
    • that involve decomposing an image into semantically meaningful segments without any labeled data
  • interesting in an unsupervised setting
    • due to the difficulty and cost of obtaining dense image annotations,
    • but existing unsupervised approaches struggle with complex scenes containing multiple objects.
  • we
    • take inspiration from traditional spectral segmentation methods by reframing image decomposition as a graph partitioning problem.
    • examine the eigenvectors of the Laplacian of a feature affinity matrix from self-supervised networks.
    • find that these eigenvectors already decompose an image into meaningful segments, and can be readily used to localize objects in a scene
    • Furthermore, by clustering the features associated with these segments across a dataset, we can obtain well-delineated, nameable regions, i.e. semantic segmentations.
    • our simple spectral method outperforms the state-of-the-art in unsupervised localization and segmentation by a significant margin
    • this method can be readily used for a variety of complex image editing tasks, such as background removal and compositing.



  • inspiration from framed the segmentation problem as one of graph partitioning.
  • Our method
    1. utilizes a self-supervised network to extract dense features corresponding to image patches.
    2. then construct a weighted graph over patches, where edge weights give the semantic affinity of pairs of patches
    3. consider the eigendecomposition of this graph’s Laplacian matrix
    4. the eigenvectors of the Laplacian of this graph directly correspond to semantically meaningful image regions.
      • Notably, the eigenvector with the smallest nonzero eigenvalue generally corresponds to the most prominent object in the scene.

    → surprisingly, simply extracting bounding boxes or masks from this eigenvector surpasses the current state of the art on unsupervised object localization/segmentation across numerous benchmarks.

  • Next, we propose a pipeline for semantic segmentation
    • convert the eigen-segments into discrete image regions by thresholding
    • associate each region with a semantic feature vector from the network
    • yielding semantic (pseudo-) labels
    • Lastly, we perform self-training using these labels to refine our results
    • evaluate against the ground truth segmentations.

    → performs well on complex images!